According to the ancient Greek history, Poseidon, god of the sea and Athena, goddess of peace and wisdom, disputed over whose name would be given to the newly built city, in the land of Attica. To end this dispute, it was decided that the city would be named after the one who offered the most precious gift to the citizens. Poseidon struck his trident on a rock and salt water began to flow. Athena struck her spear on the ground and it turned into an olive tree. It was decided that the olive tree was more valuable to the people of Attica, hence the new city was named Athens in honor of Athena. Even today, an olive tree stands where the legend took place. It is said that all the olive trees in Athens were descended from the first olive tree offered by Athena.
According to Homer, the olive tree has been thriving in Greece for over 10,000 years. It was considered sacred and according to Solon's law, anyone who uprooted or destroyed an olive tree, was judged in court and if found guilty, was sentenced to death. For the Ancient Greeks, the olive tree was a symbol of peace, wisdom and triumph. An olive wreath was made, and used to crown the Olympic champions.
After thorough examination of the archeological evidence regarding the use and the meaning of the olive tree in Ancient Greece it is confirmed that it was one of the most used and loved trees due to its sacredness, the economic value and the many uses of its products in every day life. In older days it was wrongly supported that the cultivation was brought in Greece from Palestine. Newer evidence that came to light from pollen analysis are confirming its presence in Greece from the Neolithic period.
According to mythology the olive tree was brought in Greece from Goddess Athena which also taught the Greeks its cultivation. Indicative for the significance of the olive tree to the Athenians is the fact that there coins portrayed Goddess Athena with an Olive wreath on her helmet and an amphorae with olive oil.
The Greeks were the first to be involved in the full-scale cultivation of the olive. Between the 7th and 3rd centuries BC ancient philosophers, physicians and historians undertook its botanical classification and referred to the curative properties of olive oil (Dioscorides, Diocles) and its history (Anaxagoras, Empedocles 5th century), while Aristotle elevated olive cultivation to a science. It was even protected by the legislation of the time. The first Olive Protection Law was introduced by Solon (639-559 BC); in one of his statutes he prohibited the cutting down of more than two trees a year in each olive grove. The olive and its oil also held a special position in the Orthodox religion. It was a symbol of love and peace, an essential part of several solemn rites, from the service of baptism to the oil lamps used in churches and the little shrine that is part of every Greek household. Herodotus described Athens, in the 5th century BC, as the centre of Greek olive growing. Oil was produced in such abundance that it became one of the major exports. In fact, so important did the olive culture become to the Greeks and their economy, that olive groves were considered sacred ground and only virgins and chaste men were allowed to cultivate them.
As scientists tell us, the exact place where the olive tree sprung for the first time is the greater Mediterranean Basin. The first cultivation of the olive tree worldwide took place in Greece, and more specific in Crete. This happened about 3500 BC in the Early Minoan times. In this period the olive tree was in a wilder form in comparison to the tree we know today. After 2000 BC the cultivation of the olive tree in Crete was very intense and systematic playing the most important role on the island's economy.
The olive oil production was very important in the economy of this society. The decipherment of the "Linear B" script brought to light valuable information about the production, the commerce and the export of the olive oil in Mycenaean Greece as we can see in the palace records of Mycenae and Pylos. In the 6th century BC, Solon, the great Athenian legislator, drafted the first law for the protection of the olive tree excluding the uncontrolled felling. The olive tree was a symbol in ancient Greece and the olive oil was used not only for its valuable nutritional quality but also for medical purposes. Between the 7th and 3rd centuries BC ancient philosophers, physicians and historians undertook its botanical classifications and referred to the curative properties of olive oil. This knowledge is being "rediscovered" today as modern scientists research and find news why the Mediterranean diet is so healthy.
The symbolic meaning of the olive tree as well as the exceptional value of the olive oil is visible in overall sectors of the ancient Greece's life. A number of facts show to us the relationship between the olive tree and its product with some social activities. It is characteristic that when the first Olympic Games took place in Olympia in 776 BC an olive-tree branch was the award to the winners symbolizing the armistice of any hostility and the peace. |
This symbolic award was
given to winners until the end of the ancient Olympic Games.
However, not only an olive-tree branch was the award in
The greatest religious significance of olive oil is documented in the Book of Exodus, where the Lord tells Moses how to make an anointing oil of spices and olive oil. During consecration, holy anointing oil was poured over the heads of kings and priests.